Scott Jaschik gave a great talk Friday at Cornell. The co-founder of InsideHigherEd has been causing some waves in the world of HigherEd coverage. My notes after the jump.
Talk highlights: On getting ready for the field:
- Like Keefer, he suggested skipping out on J-School. He made an exception for people without clips.
- If you take an editorial assistantship job, promise yourself you'll quit after 18 months.
- Write for the campus newspaper.
- It's well worth it to take an unpaid internship and bus tables (good news for me).
- Get some informal or formal study of libel law.
- Editorial internships are great for contacts and you'll work near quality people.
- On the flip side, they rarely lead directly to jobs.
- Small papers give good experience, but you have to go into it knowing what you want to learn.
- Look for good editors to push you as a writer.
His main complaints against journalism schools are that they teach public relations rather than reporting and create fake publications, instead of getting students experience and clips in the wild. He added that, in reality, most J-School’s aren’t even particularly good with job placement.
When you start writing:<ul>
- Places with good growth
- Quality of big names
- Alums at small daily newspapers are "uniformly miserable."
- Specialized pubs doing better in business then the city dailies (but then again, who isn't?)
- "There are a lot of bad jobs ... and there are a lot of people vying for bad jobs."
- Smart.
- Hard worker.
- Become a perfectionist.
- Show innovation, dedication, hard work and influential stories.
- Add a clip cover letter giving 1 sentence background.
- Offer "more clips available of any type on request."