Since joining TechTarget, I’ve gotten occasional e-mails from the ASBPE. None have really been notable, until I was invited to hear ASBPE’s “Ten Trends that Could Make (or Break) Our Editorial Careers” (emphasis mine):
Among the 10 trends to be covered: 1. We and our publications will be measured. 2. Our content will become "co-creative" with our audiences. 3. Editorial content will focus predominantly on analysis and exclusives. 4. We are in the entertainment (and information) business. 5. We (not publishers) will be the primary marketers of our content. 6. No one will pay us or our publishers directly for our content. 7. The fading "bright line" between editorial and sales may grow dimmer. 8. Content will be read on mobile devices as often as on computer screens. 9. Print content will go the premium route. 10. The Millennials will want our content, but in different packages. Event details: Date: Thursday, April 29th, 2010 Time: 12:30 to 1:30 pm EST Location: Your desktop computer. Cost: $20 for members, $45 for non-members
I’m not saying it’s a bad value, and the topics certainly seem worthwhile, but there is something delicious about charging people $45 to tell them to give their content away for free.