Good tools for visualizing social networks

Social NetworkAbout a week ago, I met up with a former Romanian journalist who’d done a great job mapping political, media and organized crime ties in his country, and the complex relation between the three. It was a great database, but a little hard to wrap your head around because... [Read More]

I'm in WBUR, Cape Cod Times, Nieman Lab ... and heaven

So lately I’ve been super busy, with a half-written blog post about The Social Network just sitting in my drafts, but I completely forgot to mention something even more important (I know: More important than that?!): I’ve recently had my work features all over the place! [Read More]

Making it easy to take it easy

[img_assist nid=2419 title= desc= link=none align=right width=589 height=640]The founder of Wesabe, a failed, Mint-like personal finance startup, <a href=”’>wrote a blog post on why his company failed</a>. It’s good, seemingly courageous (he takes the blame fully and squarely) and, better yet, draws direct comparisons to the company that killed his,... [Read More]

Plants vs. Zombie: Android invasion imminent?

I think I bought Plants vs. Zombies the day it came out for PC, maybe having burned through it three times, but I’m still excited about this little snippet from TechCrunch, only because it more than hints that PvZ is coming to Chrome, and if it’s coming to Chrome there’s... [Read More]