I decided to take the numbers* of print editions and compare them to a small percentage of online “subscribers,**” in this case public Bloglines subscriptions. First time, so I might not have subscribed to the largest feeds, subscriber-wise:
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Beats 15 Minutes
Steve Rubel points out that a Notre Dame study says online articles have a “half-life” of 36 hours. After which, most articles’ readership drops sharply, though a few articles remain highly read long after their expiration is expected. Physics Web posted the article.
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Site up
So I still haven’t bothered to explore Cron, but the site’s working.
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Notes from Scott Jaschik's talk about journalism careers
Scott Jaschik gave a great talk Friday at Cornell. The co-founder of InsideHigherEd has been causing some waves in the world of HigherEd coverage. My notes after the jump.
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