Danc over at Lost Garden recently wrote a great essay about “manufactured” gaming heroes, the public faces marketing teams come up with and trot out to promote a new product.
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Recipe: Black and Blue Pizza
There was an app for that
From the New York Times: A screenshot from one of On the Go Girls banned applications.Fred Clarke, co-president of a small software company called On the Go Girls, which made Sexy Scratch Off, said that as of Monday all 50 of his company’s applications were no longer available. They included...
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Scary Red Text
Scary Red Text Occasionally, logging in to check site comments, I get scary red text like this. It gives me a sick little thrill, realizing how complicated and interconnected everything is, that I can reach in and break stuff on this site, even accidentally, like opening up a mechanical watch...
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Google Buzz and the commoditization of conversation
Maybe I’m daft (ok, we all know I am daft), but what new features, really new features does Google Buzz bring to the table? For the end user, it really seems like something that could have been cobbled together with a clever Greasemonkey script, which is an unusually low bar...
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